Resident Bleeds to Death at Iowa Nursing Home with a Record of Violations

Resident Bleeds to Death at Iowa Nursing Home with a Record of Violations

Resident Bleeds to Death at Iowa Nursing Home with a Record of Violations: Arbor Court, a one-star Iowa care facility, potentially faces fines from the federal government for the latest in a series of nursing home malpractice incidents. An inspection follows after a...
Two New Jersey Nursing Home Residents with Dementia Die Following Brutal Resident Assaults

Two New Jersey Nursing Home Residents with Dementia Die Following Brutal Resident Assaults

Two Dementia Patients Die Following Brutal Resident Assaults in New Jersey Nursing Home: Investigations are underway at two nursing homes in Central Jersey where violent resident-on-resident attacks led to the deaths of two 91-year-olds in January, says an article on...
Nursing Homes Are Increasingly Using Epilepsy Drugs to Chemically Restrain Residents with Dementia

Nursing Homes Are Increasingly Using Epilepsy Drugs to Chemically Restrain Residents with Dementia

Nursing Homes Using Epilepsy Drugs to Chemically Restrain Residents with Dementia: A new government study indicates that anti-seizure medications usually reserved for epilepsy patients are increasingly being used by nursing homes to sedate dementia patients, says a...
Wrongful Death of a Philadelphia Nursing Home Resident Involved Paper Lodged in Her Windpipe

Wrongful Death of a Philadelphia Nursing Home Resident Involved Paper Lodged in Her Windpipe

Nursing Home Resident Victim to Wrongful Death in Philadelphia: The mother of a woman with disabilities who died after a paper towel or disinfecting wipe was found in her trachea has secured a wrongful death attorney in her lawsuit against the Philadelphia nursing...
New Jersey Takes Control of Problematic Nursing Home after DOH Raises Concern for Residents’ Lives

New Jersey Takes Control of Problematic Nursing Home after DOH Raises Concern for Residents’ Lives

New Jersey Takes Control of Nursing Home with DOH Concerned for Residents’ Lives: Prior to the stepping in of the state, the Woodland Behavioral and Nursing Center in Andover, named one of New Jersey’s 15 worst-performing nursing homes for failing to prevent nursing...