Tennessee Nursing Home Resident with Dementia Dies after drinking Laundry Detergent: The wrongful death lawsuit brought against Prosperity Pointe, an assisted living and memory care facility in Knox County, claims negligence amounting to nursing home malpractice...
A Michigan certified nursing assistant allegedly engaged in false charting, a common type of nursing home malpractice, after her alleged negligence contributed to the choking death of a resident in her care. A staff member at a Michigan nursing home has been charged...
Pennsylvania Nursing Home Owner and Administrators Charged with Falsifying Staffing Records: Federal Trial Begins: Years of Medicaid and Medicare fraud has been alleged at Brighton Rehabilitation and Wellness and Mt. Lebanon Rehabilitation and Wellness, two...
Assisted Living Residents Wander off Unnoticed; Many Die: Elopement, the event of a resident leaving his or her facility undetected and unsupervised, is a surprisingly common occurrence of nursing home malpractice in American assisted living facilities. Elopement all...
Nursing Home Resident Dies after Being Left outside Alone: A wrongful death lawsuit has been filed against Liberty Health and Wellness, a Kansas City nursing home so plagued with nursing home malpractice issues that it has been named a federal Special Focus Facility...