For-Profit Nursing Home Neglect Amid Pandemic: Severe understaffing within for-profit nursing home chains led to poor care, nursing home neglect, and a negative impact on the health of residents. About 70% of nursing homes in the US are run by for-profit operators....
In an unprecedented move, hydroxychloroquine was given to residents without COVID-19. According to a Philadelphia Inquirer article, during a two week period in April a Chester County nursing home for veterans dispensed hydroxychloroquine, the antimalarial drug...
According to a recent post on, Governor Wolf, criticized for nursing home mandates, faces the reality of thousands of COVID-19 deaths in Pennsylvania nursing homes. This has drawn criticism of the administration’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic in...
In May, in response to the COVID nursing home crisis, including the devastating impact on New Jersey nursing homes, a number of propositions and promises were made by N.J. Legislators to address a crisis brought on by missteps and failures by both the state and its...
Measures to Lock down Facilities Isolate the Elderly without Guarantee of Safety COVID-19 Nursing Home Care Challenges As reports of outbreaks of the novel coronavirus inside American nursing homes continue to make headlines, facilities across the nation are now...