Law Firm Videos
The Law Firm of Brian P. Murphy, PC, shares its law firm videos which help explain the various practice areas offered. From nursing home abuse and neglect to wrongful death, falls, and malpractice, these law firm videos shed light on the approach Mr. Murphy takes when presented with a case of injustice or abuse to one of his clients.
Avoiding Bed Sores
This video covers a crucial issue found at nursing homes (bedsores) and how to avoid them, when possible. Bed sores (also known as pressure sores or decubitus ulcers) are skin wounds caused by long-term pressure on the skin.
False Charting
From filling in data that is downright wrong to omitting pertinent patient statistics on medical forms, these law firm videos help explain what false charting is and how Mr. Murphy approaches these types of legal matters.
At Risk of Falling
When your loved one is at risk of falling, it is super important to make sure he or she is assisted when getting out of bed, moving around, using the facilities, and more. Thia law firm video helps explain the importance of guarding one who’s at risk of falling and how Mr. Murphy approaches these types of legal matters.
Suspecting Neglect
Neglect is an issue found in nursing homes, assisted-care facilities, long-term care facilities, and hospitals. From ignoring the times that a resident has to be cared for to leaving one to sit in her or her own excrement, this video helps explain what to do if you suspect neglect and how Mr. Murphy approaches these types of legal matters.
Nursing Home Neglect
You place your loved one in a care facility expecting just that—care. When your loved one is unattended to, this could constitute neglect. These informative videos address many types of failures in the facilities where you have placed (or will place) your elderly loved one. They help explain how Attorney Murphy approaches these types of legal matters.
Additional Law Firm Videos
For more information about The Law Firm of Brian P. Murphy, PC’s practice areas, or to request law firm videos be made on specific topics, please contact us and provide details on the issue at hand, including the state in which the perceived injury took place (PA or NJ), a description of the injury, age of the resident, and precondition(s), if any, prior to entering the facility.
Contact Us
The Law Firm of Brian P. Murphy, P.C.
1082 Taylorsville Rd, #203
Washington Crossing, PA 18977
Office: (215) 579-8500
Fax: (215) 310-9496