In PA, they released the revised nursing home COVID-19 guidance. The guidance’s updated visitation policy seeks to address the adverse mental, emotional, and physical effects of prolonged resident isolation. Updated guidance for how Pennsylvania nursing homes should...
There is a COVID-19 nursing home crisis. In August advocates for Pennsylvania nursing home residents released a report that proposed immediate reforms the state might make to address those shortcomings that rendered PA long-term care facilities so vulnerable during...
In an unprecedented move, hydroxychloroquine was given to residents without COVID-19. According to a Philadelphia Inquirer article, during a two week period in April a Chester County nursing home for veterans dispensed hydroxychloroquine, the antimalarial drug...
Facilities in Some States Have Secured Immunity from COVID-related Lawsuits According to an Associated Press news article, as of May 4, New York and New Jersey are among 15 states in the nation so far to provide nursing homes with emergency protection against lawsuits...
Lack of Regulation Puts Nursing Home Resident Safety at Stake HUD-backed Nursing Homes & Neglect – Do they promote it? According to a June report by The New York Times, several of this country’s most poorly-run nursing homes have mortgages insured against...
According to a CNN analysis of Nuedexta prescription by doctors for nursing home residents, thousands of doctors (approximately half) received some sort of perk, either in the form of monetary payment or other compensation by the pharmaceutical company to promote...