Tennessee Nursing Home Resident with Dementia Dies after drinking Laundry Detergent: The wrongful death lawsuit brought against Prosperity Pointe, an assisted living and memory care facility in Knox County, claims negligence amounting to nursing home malpractice...
Biden Administration Proposes Minimum Staffing Rule to Combat Nursing Home Malpractice The Biden administration has released a proposed rule requiring nursing homes to meet a minimum staffing level, a Washington Post article reports. The rule, said Secretary of Health...
Nursing Home Malpractice Continues to Violate Veterans’ Rights in New Jersey State-Run Veteran Homes The poor care and incidence of nursing home malpractice that allowed two New Jersey veterans homes to fall victim to widespread COVID-19 outbreaks early in the...
Assisted Living Residents Wander off Unnoticed; Many Die: Elopement, the event of a resident leaving his or her facility undetected and unsupervised, is a surprisingly common occurrence of nursing home malpractice in American assisted living facilities. Elopement all...
Nursing Home Resident Dies after Being Left outside Alone: A wrongful death lawsuit has been filed against Liberty Health and Wellness, a Kansas City nursing home so plagued with nursing home malpractice issues that it has been named a federal Special Focus Facility...
Illinois Nursing Home Faces Multiple Violations after Video Captures 87-year-old Resident Falling Face-first from Wheelchair: Subsequent to this falling incident, this Illinois nursing home, during a transfer of ownership, further subjected its residents to nursing...