Pandemic Restrictions Relaxed for Fully Vaccinated Nursing Home Residents: With an eye to supporting residents’ physical, mental, and emotional health, a new DOH directive signals a return to normal. The continued decline of new COVID cases and hospitalizations and...
Investigation on Unvaccinated Workers and Increasing Nursing Home Cases Correspondence: Low vaccination rates among American nursing home workers are being linked to a recent rise in nursing home COVID cases and deaths, says an Associated Press article. The Centers...
Nursing Home Staffing Shortages Prevent Philadelphia Hospitals from Discharging Patients to Facilities: The problem of assisted care understaffing came to the fore during January’s omicron COVID-19 surge as Philadelphia hospitals had nowhere to discharge their elderly...
Nursing Home Staffing Issues May Worsen with Federal Vaccine Mandate: Low staffing, a common cause of nursing home neglect, could increase in the wake of mandate enforcement. As announced in a CNN article, on Jan. 13 the U.S. Supreme Court voted to uphold a federal...
Nursing Home Residents Suffer as Overly Strict Covid Restrictions Persist: Social distancing and limited visitation amount to continued isolation for lonely and infirm residents. Despite a significantly lower risk for transmitting COVID-19 following the vaccination of...
PA Dementia Patients Disproportionately Impacted by COVID: Pennsylvania nursing home residents suffering from dementia were among the most severely impacted during the coronavirus pandemic, says an article on The combination of insufficiently...