Nursing Home Staffing Shortages Prevent Philadelphia Hospitals from Discharging Patients to Facilities: The problem of assisted care understaffing came to the fore during January’s omicron COVID-19 surge as Philadelphia hospitals had nowhere to discharge their elderly...
Nursing Home Staffing Issues May Worsen with Federal Vaccine Mandate: Low staffing, a common cause of nursing home neglect, could increase in the wake of mandate enforcement. As announced in a CNN article, on Jan. 13 the U.S. Supreme Court voted to uphold a federal...
Data Reveals Deadliness of Pandemic in PA Veterans Homes: Recently published data shows that the coronavirus pandemic took the lives of at least 40 military veterans in Pennsylvania VA nursing homes, says an article on Due to privacy reasons, the exact...
Vaccine Mandate for Health Care Workers Blocked by Federal Judge: On November 30, President’ Biden’s mandate requiring hospital and nursing home workers to be fully vaccinated by Jan. 4 was blocked by a federal judge, according to a New York Times article. With his...
PA Releases Details on Nursing Home Investigations: Following hundreds of investigations into Pennsylvania nursing homes this past October as a result of complaints of deficient care, understaffing, and policy flaws, the state released details of the inspections, says...
New Jersey limits nursing home profits to boost quality of care; New York and Massachusetts are also implementing accountability measures. New Jersey is one of three states to set requirements on how nursing homes spend the payments they receive from government...