Sexual Abuse of Residents Suppressed by Nursing Home Administrators: Prosecutors have charged two administrators at The Landing of Southampton with failure to report abuse, nursing home neglect, and other offenses. Information related to the sexual abuse of three...
Private Rooms Improve Nursing Home Safety: Recent studies indicate that nursing home safety issues like nursing home infections and medication errors can be reduced by providing residents with private rooms. Providing nursing home residents with single-occupancy rooms...
The Link between Nursing Home Staff Turnover and Star Ratings: A recent CMS-funded study suggests a link between high staff turnover and the low star ratings that result from negligent care related to nursing home neglect and abuse. Low nursing home staff turnover...
New Jersey Takes Control of Nursing Home with DOH Concerned for Residents’ Lives: Prior to the stepping in of the state, the Woodland Behavioral and Nursing Center in Andover, named one of New Jersey’s 15 worst-performing nursing homes for failing to prevent nursing...
Prevention and Treatment Needed for UTIs in Nursing Homes: Although often preventable, urinary tract infections are among the more common nursing home infections for Pennsylvania long-term care residents. According to an article by Patient Safety, the Pennsylvania...
Nursing Home Residents with Diabetes at Higher Risk for Bedsores: Having diabetes increases the risk of developing pressure ulcers and may impede the kind of early detection that prevents dangerous bedsores stages. According to the Centers for Disease Control and...