Two Nursing Home Workers Attack Resident in New Jersey Facility, Causing Critical Injury: In a brutal example of nursing home malpractice, a New Jersey nursing home resident was attacked and critically wounded by two nursing home workers, reports a 6abc article....
Violent Resident-on-Resident Attacks Are Alarmingly Common in American Nursing Homes, and Facilities Are often Ill-equipped to Prevent Them: Violent resident-on-resident attacks in American nursing homes happen all too frequently, and the chances of them occurring...
Short-Staffing Violations in Multiple New Jersey Nursing Homes Result in Citations Placed: Several New Jersey nursing homes have recently been cited by the Department of Health for staffing violations amounting to nursing home malpractice, says a New Jersey Spotlight...
Choking Death of Philadelphia Nursing Home Resident leads to Pennsylvania Attorney General Taking over DNA Testing A hair discovered on a paper wipe found lodged in the throat of Cheryl Yewdall, a 50 year-old Philadelphia nursing home resident with cerebral palsy and...
Elderly Resident Tied to Her Recliner With a Bedsheet by Two New Jersey Nursing Home Workers, says Attorney General Two employees of a New Jersey nursing home have been named in a 10-count indictment accusing them of assaulting a 93-year-old woman they were meant to...