Elder Abuse and Neglect Investigations Are Staggeringly Slow in Pennsylvania, often with Tragic Result

Many of Pennsylvania’s agencies responsible for protecting older adults are failing to investigate complaints of elder abuse and neglect within a safe timeframe, says a Spotlight PA article. State regulations mandate that Pennsylvania’s 52 county protective services agencies, called Area Agencies on Aging, which are tasked with investigating allegations of elder abuse, must complete investigations within 20 days. According to data collected by a Spotlight PA investigation, certain of these county agencies have taken as much as five times longer than the 20 days to achieve determinations in abuse and neglect investigations.

What’s more, says the article, is that there has also been an astounding 91 percent increase in deaths of elderly Pennsylvanians during open investigations since 2018, a circumstance that would seem to require the involvement of wrongful death attorneys; however, accountability for these deaths is practically impossible to determine as the Department of Aging, which oversees the state’s agencies, does not track causes of death, and state’s agencies aren’t required to report it.

Reform and transparency are demanded immediately, says the article, especially as the number of adults aged 60 and over in the state continues to grow (projected by 2030 to outnumber every other age group). Apparently some new legislation introduced by State Rep. Lou Schmitt (R., Blair) would require the Department of Aging to make public the compliance status of every Pennsylvania county agency; meanwhile, Pennsylvania Secretary of Aging Jason Kavulich has told the agencies his office is formulating a plan to publish more performance information about them.

“We as a department have to do better,” said Kavulich.

Suspecting Nursing Home Malpractice and Elder Abuse

If you suspect your loved one living at a Pennsylvania or New Jersey nursing home is the victim of nursing home malpractice in the form of abuse or neglect, it is good practice to inform the nursing home administrator as well as your state’s Department of Health/Ombudsman’s Office, and certainly a state investigator, whose number is required to be made available to you by the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania or New Jersey nursing home. It is also imperative to contact a nursing home malpractice attorney immediately. While an investigation of the accusation of nursing home malpractice will be put into motion, having an experienced nursing home malpractice or wrongful death attorney available to you will be indispensible throughout the process, as he or she can inform you of pertinent matters of the law while also working on your behalf to ensure a comprehensive nursing home malpractice investigation is conducted.

Fighting Against Elder Abuse, Nursing Home Malpractice, and Wrongful Death

Attorney Brian P. Murphy strives to uphold the safety and the rights of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and New Jersey nursing home residents. Your loved one living in a Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, or New Jersey nursing home should live without concern about being subjected to abuse, neglect, or any sort of nursing home malpractice. As an experienced nursing home malpractice and wrongful death attorney, Brian Murphy holds accountable those Philadelphia/PA or NJ nursing homes responsible for poor care. Should you find yourself needing to contact a nursing home malpractice and wrongful death attorney, or if you need guidance in choosing a nursing home, call Brian Murphy today.